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2010 Jaunuary to June 2010
June 29, 2010 -- Joan Frawley Desmond -- Catholic Register
Vatican Lawyer Jeffrey Lena Discusses the Supreme Court’s Decline of Appeal in Abuse Case
This was not a decision in favor of the plaintiff or against the Holy See. It was simply a determination that the time was not right to have the case heard by the Supreme Court. It is really not appropriate and indeed misleading, in my opinion, to view the actions of justices as “pro-Catholic” or “anti-Catholic” based on such decisions.
June 28, 2010 --
Benedict XVI sees more progress on horizon for Catholic-Orthodox dialogue
The Holy Father has welcomed a delegation from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople in light of the celebration of the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul on Tuesday. He told them in an audience that he is encouraged that further progress between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches is on the horizon.
June 28, 2010 -- Sisters of Life
Sisters of Life will be hosting Life Fest, a celebration of life on July 4 at Villa Maria Guadalupe Retreat Center in Stamford
The day begins with arrival at 1:00pm. There will be picnic games, Eucharistic Adoration, Confessions, talks for men, women, teenagers and children, Mass, a barbeque dinner, bands and much more!
The Sisters are looking for Co-Workers of Life to participate and assist at this great event which last year drew 500+ people. If you are interested, please contact Sr. Mary Karen at 203-329-1492 or email
Sisters of Life
If you can't reach them there try here
June 28, 2010 -- NY State Catholic Conference
Stop the Extreme (New York) Abortion Bill. -- Take Pro-Life Action Now!
The so-called "Reproductive Health Act" was introduced in the State Assembly on June 17, 2010, matching a bill already in the Senate, which is actively supported by the Governor. There is not much time left in the 2009-2010 regular legislative session -- now is the time to express your opposition to this bill! Take action now by sending the message below to your elected state officials.
June 25, 2010 -- Ben Pershing -- Washington Post
House passes Disclose Act campaign finance bill
House Democratic leaders pushed a far-reaching campaign finance reform measure through their chamber Thursday, overcoming the objections of critics on the left and the right.
The Disclose Act, written in response to the recent Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, which allows corporations and unions to spend unlimited amounts on political ads, is the work of Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and a priority for President Obama. Democrats think that an effort to curb corporate spending on elections is a political winner for them that will put Republicans in a difficult position.
The Disclose Act
This bill is meant to restrict donors to corporations including nonprofit organizations.
Senator Schumer said that the bill would "make (corporations) think twice" before getting involved in election related speech. "the deterrent effect should not be underestimated," he said.
Although we believe that, even if passed, this bill will be overturned that may not be before this election cycle.
Related information
June 20, -- News Agency
Vatican Aide: Oil Spill Is a Lesson in Humility
Stresses Responsibility in Technology Use VATICAN CITY
The oil spill catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico must be a lesson in humility for all human activities, not only for the energy industry, a Vatican spokesman said.
Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican press office, spoke on the latest episode of Octava Dies about the crisis in the Gulf of Mexico following an April 20 well blowout on the Deepwater Horizon offshore oil drilling platform.
"It is difficult to calculate the dimensions of the disaster, but they are certainly enormous and continue to grow," he said.
While BP is responsible for the explosion that is only half of the story.
The Deepwater Horizon exploded on April 20, 2010.
Offers of help were received almost immediately. The Coast Guard turned them away.
There are 1,500 US-flagged skimmers stationed in US waters for emergencies. They were not called in.
The Coast Guard waited until June 19th, almost two months after the explosion, to call upon skimming boats and equipment from the Netherlands, Norway, France, and Spain.
We should have accepted foreign help immediately. Very little or no oil would have reached the shore and very little damage would have been done to the fishing industry.
It takes humility to ask for and accept help from other countries. We lack that in the US.
June 17, 2010 ( By Kathleen Gilbert
Catholic Health Association (CHA) President Sr. Carol Keehan and other Catholic groups that broke with the bishops to support the federal health care reform legislation are to blame for the passage of the pro-abortion legislation, said Cardinal Francis George, President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, as reported by the Catholic News Agency on Thursday.
George reiterated his strong condemnation of the Catholic groups during a Tuesday morning meeting of the U.S. bishops in St. Petersburg. The Chicago Cardinal had previously decried the groups, who flouted the strong warnings of the bishops and chose to accept President Obama's claim that the bill, passed in March, does not expand abortion.
June 1, 2010 -- The Reform CCHD Now coalition
Reports of CCHD Grantee Malfeasance Sent Directly to Bishops Ahead of Upcoming Meeting
The Reform CCHD Now coalition (RCN) announced today that detailed reports on the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) were recently sent to each bishop and diocesan pro-life director in the U.S. These reports document problems that have yet to be addressed by the CCHD, regarding the nature and activities of many CCHD grantees.
Compiled by Michael Hichborn of American Life League (ALL) and Robert Gasper of Bellarmine Veritas Ministry (BVM), the reports show that almost 50 grantees still receiving funds from the CCHD remain involved in activities directly opposed to Catholic moral and social teachings.
April 22, 2010
Rep. Pitts Introduces Bipartisan Protect Life Act
Washington- Rep. Joe Pitts (PA-16) introduced H.R. 5111, the Protect Life Act, bipartisan legislation to apply the Hyde amendment to the recently passed healthcare law.
The bill amends the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to prevent federal funding for abortion or abortion coverage through government exchanges, community health centers, or any other program funded or created by PPACA. Additionally, the bill protects the right of conscience for health care professionals and ensures that private insurance companies are not forced to cover abortion.
Apr 22, 2010 -- SF Public Press -- Saul Sugarman
State should extend abortion access: Q&A with gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown
Jerry Brown came out strongly in support of women's abortion rights last weekend, saying he planned on pushing budget reforms to aid access for low-income women if elected governor in November.
"Even though the federal government cut off funding for allowing choice for women of low income, we'd preserve that. First we'd preserve it through executive order, through court decision, and ultimately the Legislature itself," said Brown, the state attorney general, in an interview at a pro-choice forum in San Francisco Saturday hosted by NARAL Pro-Choice America.
"Congress still does not believe fully in the right to choice, and therefore they deny hundreds of thousands of women the right to an abortion under Medi-Cal," he added.
April 9, 2010 -- Deal W. Hudson --
Sr. Anita Baird Apologizes for Defending Obama
The day after she defended Obama as "pro-choice," as opposed to "pro-abortion," Sr. Anita Baird, an employee of the Archdiocese of Chicago, apologized for the remark.
The relevant portion of the apology is found at LifeSiteNews:
"In order to clarify my quote that appeared on, I am affirming my belief in the teachings of the Catholic Church and understand that there can be no distinction between pro-abortion and pro-choice, because the choice at issue is the choice to kill a child," wrote Baird in a statement released Wednesday. "I also apologize to those who were scandalized by my statement."
April 8, 2010 -- Ed
This pro-abortion bill would not have passed without the help of Catholic sisters:
* Sister Carol Keehan of the Catholic Health Association.
* Sister Simone Campbell of Network.
They must have understood that they were supporting taxpayer funded abortion. If they did not, they don't deserve their high positions.
April 8, 2010 -- Kathleen Gilbert -- LifeSiteNews
Cardinal George at Pfleger Award Ceremony: 'Abortion Kills Racial Justice'
Presiding at an archdiocesan event honoring controversial priest Fr. Michael Pfleger for his civil rights work, Cardinal Francis George of Chicago took the opportunity to criticize media scrutiny of the award, but also to highlight the fact that, far from being irrelevant to the theme of the event, "abortion kills racial and social justice."
The Dr. King Prayer Service and Racial Justice Awards sparked controversy in pro-life Catholic circles after it was revealed that Fr. Pfleger, an outspoken supporter of strongly pro-abortion U.S. President Obama, would receive an award from the archdiocese's Office of Racial Justice at the event.
Cardinal George responded to the controversy in his remarks by defending Pfleger as "a Catholic priest and a pastor," saying that, "in that capacity, like all good priests and pastors, he acts out of love."
The cardinal then went on to say that, "As part of his ministry for racial justice, Fr. Pfleger has addressed killing, for killing is not an act of love," a theme that the cardinal applied to the issues of abortion and race.
April 7, 2010 -- Deal Hudson
Archdiocese of Chicago’s Sister Baird Defends Obama As "Pro-Choice"
The President is not pro-abortion, the President is pro-choice. I think they are two very different things.” This is a mantra we often hear from Catholics who support pro-abortion politicians, but this time they were uttered in support of President Obama.
The words came from Sr. Anita Baird, the founding director of the Office of Racial Justice at the Archdiocese of Chicago. She was being interviewed by Kathleen Gilbert of on the upcoming event honoring Chicago priest, Fr. Michael Pfleger, who publicly announced Obama was “the best thing to come across the political scene since Bobby Kennedy.” He was serving, at the time, as a volunteer adviser to the Obama campaign and a member of the Catholics for Obama Committee.
Cardinal George, Pfleger’s ordinary in Chicago, suspended him from his parish for two weeks after his outburst praising Obama. Sr. Baird told Fr. Pfleger’s public support for Obama was “not an issue here,” since he had served a two-week suspension from his parish, St. Sabina’s.
April 06, 2010 -- Father Thomas Berg
In Vitro Fertilization - Why Not?: A refresher on the Church's teaching
The faceoff a couple of weeks ago between the Catholic Healthcare Association and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops over the senate healthcare bill underscored the reality of deep-seated disagreements and confusion over Catholic teaching on key moral issues. Of the many we could list, perhaps no other has been so under-taught and consequently misunderstood than the Church's stance on in vitro fertilization (IVF).
The Catholic Church teaches that IVF is morally illicit without exception, even when the couple uses their own egg and sperm, and without super-ovulation of the mother or the creation of multiple embryos for implantation. Catholics and non-Catholics alike have struggled to understand this moral teaching and wonder how the Church can condemn a medical procedure aimed at bringing about new human lives.
Mar 24, 2010 -- (CNA) -- Washington D.C.,
Sister Carol Keehan, President of the Catholic Health Association, has been awarded with one of the 21 pens used by President Barack Obama on Tuesday to sign the health care bill.
Sister Keehan, who strongly supported the controversial health care bill despite the opposition of the U.S. bishops, was joined in receiving presidential pens by some of the most strongly pro-abortion members of the Congress: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid; Senator Dick Durbin, majority whip; Max Baucus, chairman of the Finance Committee; Senators Tom Harkin and Christopher Dodd; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer; James Clyburn, majority whip; George Miller, chairman of the Education committee; Henry Waxman, chairman of Energy and Commerce; Sander Levin, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee; John Dingell and Charles Rangel, former chairman of the Ways and Means Committee.
Millions of babies were sentenced to death and the fate of Catholic hospitals jeopardized.
March 21, 2010
Nuns Gone Wild
Liberal Nuns Support Abortion Funding
in the Name of Social Justice
Father Z reaches out to correct disillusioned Nuns in an article he called A Magisterium of Nuns.
Fr. Z - In this matter of contingent, prudential judgments, whose judgment will in time prove to have been the more prudent?
The Catholic bishops with pro-life groups or their opposition, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) and Catholic Health Association (CHA) and National Catholic Reporter (NCR), etc?
I happen to think the bishops are right and the CHA and NCR and LCWR are wrong. I think the bishops are right this time, not because they are bishops, by the way, but because they happen to be right. Even if there really is a barrier between federal money and the procuring of abortions, a barrier which might allow a Catholic legislator in this byzantine tangle to vote for the bill, is that barrier going to stand?
March 21, 2010
Catholic Health Association Congratulates Nation's Leaders for Enacting Historic Health Reform
Millions of People Will be Helped, Lives Saved
The following statement is being released by Sr. Carol Keehan, DC, president and chief executive office of the Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA):
The Catholic Health Association applauds the U.S. House of Representatives and President Obama for enacting health care reform legislation that will bring security and health to millions of American families. The reform law will save and improve lives across our country. It represents great progress in the long effort to make health care available and affordable to everyone in the United States.
and millions of babies will be aborted. Do you care Sr. Keehan?
March 21, 2010
"NETWORK congratulates the U.S. House of Representatives for passing the historic healthcare reform legislation. This is a remarkable time in our nation’s history as we finally take concrete steps to bring healthcare to tens of millions of people who have been denied this essential right. Providing them with healthcare while continuing to make sure that federal money does not go to abortion will save many, many lives.
NETWORK helped make this happen!"
Federal money will go to abortion and NETWORK helped.
March 18, 2010 -- Washington Times
The Girl Scout Sex Guide:
Sharon Slater, a mother of seven, innocently walked into a panel sponsored by the Girl Scouts USA at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women a few weeks ago. Almost immediately she was asked to leave. All non-Scout adults were kicked out of the room, which was packed with adolescent girls.
March 14, 2010 -- catholicadvocate
Catholic Health Association's Support for Health Care Bill Exposes Failure of USCCB Strategy
The Catholic Health Association, a lobbying group for Catholic hospitals, has now offered its support for the health care bill containing abortion funding. A statement from CHA president, Sr. Carol Keehan, expresses concern on life issues while underscoring the bill’s requirement that a separate check would have to be written for abortion coverage.
Keehan’s statement, along with the March 11 letter of her vice president, Michael F. Rodgers to the Congress, is a masterpiece of doublespeak. On behalf of CHA, both Keehan and Rodgers urge passage of the bill. But, while Keehan cites the separate check stipulation for abortion coverage to assuage her concern, Rodgers admits abortion coverage would have to be amended in a second corrections bill.
February 12, 2010
Reid: Abortion should not scuttle health care bill
Sen. Harry Reid’s move to scuttle a fellow Democrat’s effort to toughen abortion restrictions in the health care bill was the plain pragmatism of a majority leader who knows where the votes are - and faces a tough re-election next year.
Nelson’s amendment drew the opposition of senators who favor abortion rights, and jeopardized legislation that would deliver on President Barack Obama’s top legislative priority and boost Reid’s difficult prospects for a fifth Senate term.
In a speech on the Senate floor Tuesday event, the Nevada Democrat urged his colleagues to reject Sen. Ben Nelson’s amendment to stiffen curbs on abortion in the worked-over health care bill. Reid opposes abortion but recognized the threat Nelson’s amendment posed to the overall bill to expand health coverage to some 30 million uninsured Americans.
January 7, 2010 --
Researcher Finally Admits Abortion Raises Breast Cancer Risk In Study That Fingers Oral Contraceptives As A Probable Cause Of Breast Cancer
Less than two months since the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force issued new guidelines recommending against routine mammograms for women in their forties, a second breast cancer scandal involving a U.S. government panel of experts has come to light which has implications for healthcare reform.
An April 2009 study by Jessica Dolle et al. of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center examining the relationship between oral contraceptives (OCs) and triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) in women under age 45 contained an admission from U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) researcher Louise Brinton and her colleagues (including Janet Daling) that abortion raises breast cancer risk by 40%.
Other years:
2010 July to
Pro Choice = Pro Abortion

Principles and Values
February 3, 1994 -- Mother Teresa of Calcutta to the National Prayer Breakfast, Washington, DC
By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems.
And, by abortion, the father is told that he does not have to take any responsibility at all for the child he has brought into the world. That father is likely to put other women into the same trouble. So abortion just leads to more abortion.
Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.
Nov. 10, 2008 -- National Catholic Reporter -- John L. Allen Jr.
Catholic charities shouldn't go secular, Vatican official warns
Ahead of a discussion by the U.S. bishops of now-severed links between their top domestic anti-poverty program and the controversial ACORN network, the pope’s top lieutenant on charitable activities has warned that Catholic relief agencies must not lose their religious identity.
Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes, speaking to the bishops this morning, did not enter into the debate about ties between the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and ACORN. He did, however, issue a general caution that Catholic charities must not become “indistinguishable from secular organizations such as UNICEF, the Red Cross, and others.”
General Instruction of the Roman Missal for the
Dioceses of the United States of America
News Archive:
to 2008
March of the Survivors
All the polls show that young people are more pro-life than adults. This offers great hope for the future as these youngsters become voters and decision makers. Share the pro-life message with a young person today. As one of the speakers says, "The pro-life movement is getting younger and younger." Praise be to God! The energy and zeal of these youngsters fills me with hope.
Gianna Jessen
Gianna wasn't supposed to be here. Her frightened, 17-year-old mother went to an abortion clinic to end her baby's life.
But, miraculously, the procedure failed and sent Gianna's mother into labor; a few minutes later, a fragile baby girl made her way into the world. The remarkable story of Gianna's survival is both inspirational and unforgettable.