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pro-life Americans
Catholic Pro-Life
Fr. Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R.
Gianna Jessen
Gianna wasn't supposed to be here. Her frightened, 17-year-old mother went to an abortion clinic to end her baby's life.
But, miraculously, the procedure failed and sent Gianna's mother into labor; a few minutes later, a fragile baby girl made her way into the world. The remarkable story of Gianna's survival is both inspirational and unforgettable.
Opinions 2009
December 19, 2009 -- by Steven Ertelt -- Editor
Nelson-Reid Abortion Compromise Doesn't Ban Abortion Funding in Health Care Bill
Senator Ben Nelson announced today that he will become the crucial 60th vote that Democrats need to pass a government-run health care bill. Nelson has been holding out because of the massive abortion funding in the bill, but said today he will give the measure his support.
Nelson outlined his support for the government-run health care bill in a press conference Saturday morning after he reached a deal with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on abortion and other unrelated issues.
Under the compromise, Nelson said it prohibits abortion funding in a way that earns his vote.
"We have an agreement that the plan with not use federal dollars to fund abortions," he said. "I believe we have accomplished that goal. It's clear I wouldn't have voted for this bill without these conditions."
December 3, 2009 --
Health reform still full of thorny problems for Catholics
By Bishop Robert Vasa
BEND The debate over affordable health care for America has now moved to the Senate and it is as yet quite unclear what will finally result.
The Catholic support for the Stupak Amendment, which brought the Hyde Amendment’s prohibition of the use of federal funds for abortion into the legislation, should not be interpreted as a complete support by the Church of everything else in the health care reform legislation. For instance, the proposed health bill continues to provide abortion payments in cases of rape and incest and when the life of the mother is threatened. This is contrary to Church teachings about the inviolability and dignity of every pre-born human being regardless of the circumstances of their origin.
November 10th, 2009 -- Catholic Online
Senate is ignoring the promise made by President Obama
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Following the evil action in the US Senate of "tabling" the Pro-Life Amendment to the Health Care Reform Bill, Catholic Bishops are speaking out. Make no mistake, the tabling of this pro-Life amendment ensures that if this version of the Health Care Reform Bill is signed by President Obama Federal funds will be used to kill children in the womb.
November 11th, 2009 by Judie Brown
Article courtesy of the American Life League.
The Case of the Missing Moral Authority
I first surmised that something was amiss when Justin Cardinal Rigali, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities, and Bishop William Murphy of Rockville Centre, New York, chairman of the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, sent a letter on Saturday, November 7 to each member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
November 3, 2009 -- Catholic News Agency
Archbishop Chaput calls on Obama to keep his promise to exclude abortion funding
Denver, Colo., November 2 (CNA) .- Saying that no present proposals for health care reform adequately restrict federal funding for abortions, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput has called on President Obama to fulfill his past promise for such restrictions. Criticizing "confusing political doubletalk" about the issue, he said that Catholics need to "vigorously oppose" the bills in their present form.
Writing in his Nov. 4 column for the Denver Catholic Register, Archbishop Chaput noted President Obama's promise, voiced in an address to Congress on Sept. 9, that "his" health care plan would not provide public monies for abortion.
October 15 2009 -- The Heritage Foundation
Obamacare Forces You to Fund Abortions
"Under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions," Or so President Barack Obama promised to the American people in his health care address before a Joint Session of Congress on September 9th. But then why did the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops send a letter to Congress on October 8th writing: "No one should be required to pay for or participate in abortion. No current bill meets this test"?
October 2009
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs:
"there’s a fairly clear federal law prohibiting the federal use of money for abortion. I think it is — again, it’s exceedingly clear in the law."
Another Lie!
The Hyde Amendment is not a law. It is a limitation that is attached annually to an appropriations bill.
It must be re-enacted by Congress and the President every year!
October 1, 2009 -- Greg Hitt
GOP Antiabortion Provision in Health Bill Defeated
The Senate Finance Committee turned back Republican-led efforts to tighten abortion restrictions in health-overhaul legislation, and the Senate's top Democrat said he wants to bring a sweeping bill to the floor in two weeks.
Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) said Wednesday that he expected to begin Senate debate the week of Oct. 12, which would be the biggest step forward yet for legislation designed to accomplish President Barack Obama's goal of extending health-insurance coverage to tens of millions of Americans.
September 3 2009 -- National Right to Life.
Some of those who recently have asserted that the Hyde Amendment would apply to the proposed new programs may have believed, wrongly, that the Hyde Amendment is a government-wide law. In reality, the Hyde Amendment is a limitation that is attached annually to the appropriations bill that includes funding for the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), and it applies only to the funds contained in that bill. (Like the annual appropriations bill itself, the Hyde Amendment expires every September 30, at the end of every federal fiscal year. The Hyde Amendment will remain in effect only for as long as the Congress and the President re-enact it for each new federal fiscal year.)
August 17, 2009 Public Option Is Not Dead Yet
The headlines are encouraging: The AP reports, “White House appears ready to drop ‘public option’.” Politico reads, “White House backs away from public health care option.” And the front page of USA Today says, “Obama may drop public option in health care.” These headers all stem from Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ comment on CNN Sunday Morning that the public option “is not the essential element” of President Barack Obama’s health care plan. But by Sunday night the White House was already walking back Sebelius’ statement.
August 14, 2009 Read before you sign!
Two Catholic web sites, Catholic Health Association and NETWORK ask you to send a letter to your representatives. They provide you with sample letters, all you have to do is fill out a form and send. Stop and read. As written the letters are pro-abortion! As of today, the letters do NOT ask for eliminating abortion from health care.
our complaints
Aug. 11, 2009
Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia
Chairman, USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities
. . . Furthermore, those constrained by economic necessity or other factors to purchase the public
plan will be forced by the federal government to pay directly and specifically for abortion
coverage. This is the opposite of the policy in every other federal health program. Government
will force low-income Americans to subsidize abortions for others (and abortion coverage for
themselves) even if they find abortion morally abhorrent.
Health Reform bills
August 10, 2009 -- Alex Majthenyi
To: Sister Carol Keehan
Subject: Health Care
The current health care reform bill clearly supports taxpayer funded abortions.
The current administration will not pass a plan that does not include abortion.
Please stop supporting health care reform.
Please stop supporting abortion.
Alex Majthenyi
August 10, 2009
From: Sister Carol Keehan []
To: 'Alex Majthenyi'
Subject: REPLY RE: Health Care
Alex Majthenyi: For the last two years the Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA) has been guided by the foundational document, "Our Vision for U.S. Health Care," ( ) which details the moral case for reform by clearly presenting a set of values and principles.
The lead value is: "Human Dignity: Because each person is created in the image of God, each life is sacred and possesses inalienable worth.
Health care is essential to promoting and protecting the inherent dignity of every individual from conception to natural death." Among the principles articulated is: "Health care in the U.S. should be patient centered and designed to address health needs at all stages of life, from conception to natural death." The Catholic health ministry of the Church continues Jesus’ mission of love and healing and is rooted in the belief that every life is a sacred gift.
Guided by these values, principles, and Catholic social teaching, CHA has written letters to members of Congress and the White House – often in conjunction with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops – calling for legislation that does not include an expansion of abortion. Furthermore, our commitment to the inherent dignity of all persons has called us to advocate laws and policies that protect our religious and moral tenets. In personal conversations with members of Congress and their staffs and in letters, CHA continues to work to ensure that public policies reflect the importance of religious freedom and conscience clause protections in the delivery of health and social services. Clearly, our letters, statements, web-based information and outreach efforts speak eloquently to the deep commitment to the dignity of life. Therefore, the association and its members continue to push a legislative agenda that would commit this nation to respecting the dignity and life of each person while ensuring enactment of a health care system that is of the greatest possible quality and available and accessible to everyone. Also, I invite you to read the Catholic News Service article on our position . Best wishes.
Fred Caesar
Special Assistant to the President - Communications Catholic Health Association of the United States
1875 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC, 20006-5440
P (swb): 202-296-3993
F: 202-296-3997
E: fcaesar@
August 10, 2009
To:Sister Simone Campbell, Executive Director
President Obama is pro-abortion and a strong supporter of the "Freedom of Choice Act". As Senator, Obama said: "The first thing I'd do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing that I'd do."
The proposed Health Care Reform bills are ambiguous and leave ample room for interpretation. Abortion is not mentioned in the but certainly would be covered. Legislators have stated that they would not include abortion limitations in the bill and have repeatedly defeated pro-life amendments.
We realize that your organization may be supporting it hoping that it will be amended to ban abortions It will not. If the bill passes taxpayers will be funding abortions.
Supporting this bill is supporting abortion. Supporting it also provides propaganda material for the administration, misleads Catholics and will alienate contributors.
You state that "we can't miss this opportunity to do something" but supporting abortion is worse than doing nothing.
Alex Majthenyi
No Reply
August 03, 2009 --
Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia, chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, blasted provisions of healthcare reform legislation passed on July 31 by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Rome and throughout the world,
From the depths of my heart, I wish all of you a blessed Easter. To quote Saint Augustine, “Resurrectio Domini, spes nostra – the resurrection of the Lord is our hope” (Sermon 261:1). With these words, the great Bishop explained to the faithful that Jesus rose again so that we, though destined to die, should not despair, worrying that with death life is completely finished; Christ is risen to give us hope (cf. ibid.).
Other years:
2010 July to
Pro Choice = Pro Abortion
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Government Health Care
The Obama administration has decided that the federal government should be in charge of your health care. Health insurance companies would be allowed to continue but would probably go under in five to ten years.
The proponents of a government plan claim:
50 million are uninsured.
The present system is broken and will go under.
A government plan would save money.
The truth is:
12 - 15 million need health care.
The present system is the best in the world. Improve it!
Reduce fraud.
Reduce frivolous lawsuits.
Allow health insurance competition across state lines.
Encourage a healthy life
Fund walk in clinics & free health care for the needy.
Free health care would cosr $700b.
The government plan would cost over $900b.
Government plans are wasteful and always more expensive.
The bill considered by the House is a 1000 page skeleton of a health plan. It is so ambiguous that it could be interpreted any way you want.
This creates two major concerns to Catholics.
The bill does not exclude abortion therefore it is included.
The bill is more expensive than the financing available so health services must be rationed somewhere. It calls for end-of-life counseling (pg 426) implying rationing after age 65.
Please call, write and email your representatives. Tell them that any heath care bill considered:
1. Must ban coverage of abortion.
2. Must limit frivolous law-suits.
3, Must reduce fraud.
4. Must allow health insurance competition.
5. Must help fund local medical centers and hospitals.
6. Must provide free health care for the needy.
Health Care Reform Bills
To make quality, affordable health care available to all Americans, reduce
costs, improve health care quality, enhance disease prevention
Text (pdf) - 615 pages
Amendment (pdf)
To make quality, affordable health care available to all Americans, reduce costs, improve health care quality, enhance disease prevention, and strengthen the health care workforce.
Short Title. This Act may be cited as the "Affordable Health Choices Act"
Outline (pdf)
Text (pdf) - 1018 pages
Some interesting clauses in House bill:
Eligibility for medical service. see page 58
(D) enable the real-time (or near realtime) determination of an individual’s financial
responsibility at the point of service and, to the extent possible, prior to service, including
whether the individual is eligible for a specific service with a specific physician at a specific fa11
cility, which may include utilization of a machine-readable health plan beneficiary identification card;
End of useful life. see page 230
payment for non-therapy ancillary services.
Such analysis shall consider use of appropriate indicators which may include age, physical and mental status, ability to perform activities of daily living, prior nursing home stay
Abortion is not specifically included but President Obama promised abortion so you can be sure that it will be included:
"The first thing I'd do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing that I'd do."
Senator Barack Obama, speaking to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, July 17, 2007