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Knights of Columbus Mobilize to Help in
Texas after Devastating Blast
New Haven, Conn., April 19, 2013 -- Christian Newswire
To supplement local efforts K of C Charities accepting donations to help victims
Following the terrible blast at a fertilizer plant in the town of West, Texas, the Knights of Columbus is accepting donations to help those in need.
In addition, Knights of Columbus Council 2305 in West, Texas is working with local groups and the authorities to assist with disaster relief. The council is particularly well positioned to help since it counts more than 500 members in a town of fewer than 3,000 people.
Donations to assist in relief efforts can be made to Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc. online at
One hundred percent of all donations collected by Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc. will be sent to those affected by the disaster.
In addition to online donations, donations can also be made by mail. Checks should be made out to Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc. "Texas Fund" should be listed in the memo line and the checks should be mailed to:
Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc.
Texas Fund
1 Columbus Plaza
New Haven, CT 06510
Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc. is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a charitable organization under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Supreme Knight Carl Anderson issued the following statement in the wake of the tragedy in West, Texas and the attack on the marathon in Boston: "The thoughts and prayers of the Knights of Columbus are with all of those killed or injured in the terror attack on the marathon in Boston and in the fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas. May God provide eternal rest to the deceased and comfort to all those affected, and may all of us be inspired by the witness and courage of the emergency personnel and bystanders who rushed to the aid of those who were injured at the risk of their own lives."
With more than 1.8 million members worldwide, the Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal organization and one of the nation's most active charitable organizations. Last year, Knights donated more than $158 million and 70 million hours to charitable causes.
Source: Christian Newswire
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By Russell Shaw
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