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Conservatives Launch Fight Against $106 Billion in Stealth CR Spending
MANASSAS, Va., Sept. 13, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ --
Conservative leaders have launched an urgent appeal asking Tea Partiers and grassroots conservatives to call their representative and senators to urge a vote against the Continuing Resolution (CR) that will come to the House floor later today and before the Senate in the near future.
The Capitol Switchboard Number is (202) 224-3121.
The CR to be voted upon is very different from what was presented to key conservative movement leaders prior to the recent congressional recess. Now that it has been released, conservative leaders have come out strongly against it.
The original discussion of a "clean" six months CR at the $1.047 trillion level has been increased by approximately $106 billion.
In addition to this stealth spending increase, the CR now includes language that appears to grant the Obama Administration authority to implement its recent Executive Order on cybersecurity. The CR also includes an extension of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) that is silent on the Administration's recent effort to weaken the Welfare to Work requirement.
In a letter to Republican Senate Steering Committee Chairman, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, and House Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio, the broad coalition of conservative leaders listed below said, "Short weeks before the election, the grassroots will feel discouraged, perhaps even feel betrayed, by Republicans who vote for this unwarranted increase in spending."
The conservative leaders attending a strategy meeting strongly urged opposition to this CR and a return to the "clean" CR at the $1.047 trillion level.
The following is the full text of the letter that was sent to Senator Toomey and Representative Jordan:
The Continuing Resolution (CR) to be voted upon is very different from what was presented to key conservative movement leaders prior to the recent recess and we strongly urge the Congress to vote against it.
The original discussion of a "clean" six months CR at the $1.047 trillion level has been increased by approximately $106 billion!
In addition to this massive spending increase, the CR now includes language that appears to grant the Obama Administration authority to implement its recent Executive Order on cybersecurity. The CR also includes an extension of TANF that is silent on the Administration's recent effort to weaken the Welfare to Work requirement.
Short weeks before the election, the grassroots will feel discouraged, perhaps even feel betrayed by Congressional Conservatives.
We the undersigned attending a strategy meeting today strongly urge opposition to this CR and a return to the "clean" CR at $1.047 trillion level.
Edwin Meese, Former U.S. Attorney General
Colin Hanna, Let Freedom Ring
Gary Bauer, American Values
Brent Bozell, ForAmerica
Mario Lopez, Hispanic Leadership Fund
Bob Reccord, CNP Action, Inc.
Bill Wilson, Americans for Limited Government
Richard Rahn, Institute for Global Economic Growth
Susan Carleson, American Civil Rights Union
Alfred Regnery, Paul Revere Project
Herman Pirchner, American Foreign Policy Council
Richard Viguerie,
T. Kenneth Cribb, former Domestic Advisor to President Reagan
Morton Blackwell, Chair of the Weyrich Luncheon
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