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The King of Starvation - Barack Obama

It is reasonable to estimate that global biofuel production has killed between 20 and 80 million people worldwide since 1980 through malnutrition and related illness. By "kill" I mean the primary cause of death. Any estimate below 20 million would be ridiculously low. An estimate higher than 80 million is plausible, but less likely and more difficult to prove. It is also reasonable to estimate that biofuel production has been a significant contributing factor in up to 150 million human deaths since 1980. No politician has had the courage to put a number on the global biofuel death toll, so I have given you my honest but very broad estimate. The fact that global statistics of this magnitude are impossible to exactly calculate should not deter us from facing the fact that we have killed tens of millions of people for no good reason, and no politician has apologized for that crime. No American politician has made food supply security a major campaign issue. They should, because we are living in the century of mass starvation.

Going against all the scientific and economic evidence, and ignoring pleas from hunger fighting organizations, environmental groups, and food producers (see:, President Barack Obama has increased the allowable ethanol content of gasoline to 15%, which will further escalate food price inflation, damage engines, increase greenhouse gas release, speed topsoil erosion, and use up our finite supplies of phosphates needed to produce fertilizer. Obama has done this to please giant ethanol distillers like Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), who financed Obama's presidential campaign, and provided Obama with corporate jets used to crisscross the nation selling his mathematically impossible energy policy. Instead of putting food supply security and people first, Obama has put corporate profits first. All American presidents since Jimmy Carter are to blame for the biofuel disaster, as well as all of the world leaders who have mandated biofuel production. No leader of any nation has done more to raise the cost of food than Barack Obama and his predecessor, George W. Bush.

The estimated biofuel death toll of between 20 million and 80 million is a common sense calculation based on global poverty statistics from many sources, which all show that millions of people are dying from malnutrition and related illness every year. No organization has exact numbers, but death rate estimates currently range from around 16 to 20 million per year, which translates to about 43,000 to 54,000 every day. All major hunger organizations and the United Nations agree that thousands of children die every day due to a lack of food, with estimates ranging from 16,000 to 24,000 daily. If we calculate the average height of deceased individuals as 3 feet for children and adults combined, and use the lowest death estimate of 43,000 per day, that means enough people die every day of malnutrition and related illness to make a unbroken line of corpses over 24 miles long.

I do not totally trust anyone's statistics, but we must admit the general fact that mass starvation is occurring right now, so why is President Barack Obama doing everything he can to make food more expensive and shrink the human food supply? We can use a reasonable comparison of Obama's policies to Chairman Mao Tse-tung's infamous Great Leap Forward five year economic plan, which is estimated to have killed between 14 and 40 million Chinese over a short three year period. Mao banned private farms in 1958 in his shift to communes and greater industrial output at the expense of agriculture. This led to a 15% drop in grain production in China in 1959, and another 10% reduction in 1960. That does not sound like much of a dip in food production, but it was enough to starve millions.

The global biofuel disaster, led by cheerleader Barack Obama, is a vastly larger event that has displaced food production in the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, Australia, and in many small island nations. Biofuels have been produced for decades by many countries, and the diversion of agricultural resources to feeding cars instead of people has been enormous and is ongoing. The United States is currently using over 41% of its corn crop to produce ethanol, which does nothing to reduce our dependence on oil because it is inherently energy inefficient to manufacture ethanol from corn. Biofuels are a dead end technology as it is even more energy inefficient and thus expensive to produce ethanol from cellulose, which is the false hope of biofuel advocates. Agricultural economist William Jaeger studied all forms of biofuels extensively and concluded that "Given currently available technologies, it is difficult to see the net contribution of biofuels rising above 1% of our current fossil fuel energy consumption - for either Oregon or the U.S."

Globally, topsoil is being lost ten times faster than it is being replenished, and 30% of the world's arable land has become unproductive in the past 40 years due to erosion. The USA is in serious jeopardy of losing adequate food growing capacity within 100 years or less due to erosion. Growing corn for ethanol is dramatically increasing the rate of topsoil erosion in our prime Midwest growing areas. Ask biofuel advocates if helping to destroy the ability of future generations to grow food is a worthy environmental goal.

Foolish political mandates combined with bad weather turned Mao's well meaning economic plan into one of the greatest famines in world history. There is no historical record of anyone warning Chairman Mao that his ideas would cause mass starvation. Barack Obama has been repeatedly warned by his own advisers that biofuel production harms the environment and skyrockets food prices, and Obama himself admitted on NBC's Meet The Press to the late Tim Russert that ethanol production was causing food price inflation. Therefore, Barack Obama is even more culpable than Chairman Mao.

Why does television news refuse to cover this greatest crime of the 21st century? Part of the reason is that American television is also guilty of promoting the biofuel disaster. Mike Wallace aired a seminal pro-biofuel segment on 60 Minutes years ago, and 60 Minutes has no stomach to admit their error in judgment. Our media reports endless stories about Hollywood celebrities, but nothing about the deaths of millions caused by Obama's suicidal and homicidal agricultural policies. Our media ignores the fact that the United States Department of Agriculture is no longer protecting the human food supply, and has become an ethanol profits lobbying organization. The Environmental Protection Agency has also become a sham, a rubber stamp for Obama's reckless policies that have increased greenhouse gas release more than any new activity of man.

Grain prices are skyrocketing and the cost of chicken, beef, pork, eggs, milk, cheese and other grain dependent foods will also rise, as will all foods that require fertilizer to grow. Biofuel production uses tremendous amounts of fertilizers, which causes water pollution and drives up the cost of all fertilizer, thus raising the cost of all vegetables and most fruits. Biofuel production hurts everyone in the long run, even those who are currently making money producing biofuels. None of us will escape the environmental damage and political unrest caused by this crime, which has killed far more people than all acts of terrorism and the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined.

Please support and promote The National Food Security Act, which is needed to protect the affordability and long term survivability of the human food supply.



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