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Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Gallup Poll,
Washington Post: Disaster for Pro-Life Movement
WASHINGTON, May 24, 2012 -- Christian Newswire

"Most 'pro-life' Americans are content for it to be legal to kill unborn babies. This poll is a disaster for the pro-life movement." -- Randall Terry

Background: On Tuesday, May 22, the Washington Post released a poll that shows only 1% of Americans think that abortion is the number one issue in America. 51% of those polled said the economy was number one.

On Wednesday, May 23, Gallup released a poll showing that 50% of Americans call themselves "pro-life," compared to 41% who say they are "pro-choice."

The part of the Gallup Poll that matters is the part that shows that only 20% of Americans want to outlaw child killing, down from 22%.

Statement of Randall Terry:
"What these polls show is very disturbing:

- Most of those who say they are "pro-life" are not committed to making it a crime to murder the unborn (which is the goal of the pro-life movement).

- Only 20% of Americans' want to restore the protection of law to babies, and make it a crime to kill them. (We actually lost ground down from 22%).

- Some people say, "I am pro-life, but I do not think abortion should be illegal." (Therefore, they are "pro-choice".)

- 30% of those who say they are 'pro-life' do not want to make it a crime to murder babies.

- This is like someone saying they are anti-slavery, but do not want to make it a crime to own slaves.

- It shows that we have lost control of the meaning of words, of our core lexicon. Before long, George Clooney will say he is 'pro-life.'

- There is a massive disconnect between "pro-life sentiments" or "feelings and emotions," and the sense of duty to vote for candidates who will make it a crime to murder the unborn.

- A large percentage of those who say they are pro-life are still content to vote for Obama for the sake of the economy. I.e., they put money ahead of babies' lives.

"We are not winning. We have 53,000,000 babies dead from "surgical abortion," perhaps 300,000,000 dead from abortifacients such as the pill, plan-B, etc., and we are no closer to making this a crime than we were 30 years ago.

"Those who say they are pro-life must use their vote to end this holocaust; they must be transformed from pro-life sympathizers to pro-life agitators and political activists. Samuel Adams said: 'It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.'

"Our problem is that even though more say they are 'pro-life,' people are far less irate and tireless to end the killing than they were 25 years ago. Then, tens of thousands were arrested protesting abortion; today, pro-lifers sign on-line petitions.

"One reason I am running for President is to ignite those brush fires in people's minds; to help mobilize the 'irate, tireless minority ' by showing the brutalized remains of babies murdered by abortion.

"Only when we have a wave of OUTRAGE against child killing that translates into child killing being an 'issue' at the top of voters' priorities, so that we make it a criminal act, will we see this holocaust ended. If that many Americans are pro-life, Obama will be defeated this fall."

End of statement by Randall Terry
Christian Newswire

Abortion is not Health Care

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